Highlights and Miscellaneous - February 2009 Retreat Return to February 2009

Miscellaneous, Menus, and Highlights

February 8 - 11, 2009


Feb 8

'Carl' was here to help us unload. (Who was Carl?)

Susan Foster was pre-chewing Jack's toys?! I have heard that Eskimos do that for their children, but Susan...?

Did Kay Oft quilt the Gresham Centennial Quilt?

Julie will be taping an episode of House Hunters sometime in the next couple of weeks. Chris and Lindsay are the house hunters.

6:00 p.m.

Roasted Turkey
Herb Roasted Red Potatoes
Roasted Veggies
Salad (Rasp Vinegarette Dressing)
Buttermilk Honey Bread
Apple Dumplings

Host: Chris
Chef: Roberta

Chris said grace.


Feb 9
There are photos of 'Nancy's Stars' and 'Kay's "applique"'

Other photos: Susan F 'Corn and Beans' and Nancy 'Round Robin 2003'

There was a Field Trip to Boresmas and JoAnn's.

Closing the door between the big room and the snack room made a *big* difference in the air/heat flow.

Cathy wants the Chocolate Pot de Creme again next year.

Jan likes Marje best! She gave her the remainder of her chocolate pudding.

Dustin was here for massages 12 - 4:00. Cathy arranged for him to be here. After her massage, Dianne went and took a 1/2 + nap. Marje went and woke her when there was an empty chair at dinner.

Photo - Cathy - A friend's 90-year-old mother made Cathy a sweater. Cathy put on buttons this weekend.

Other Photos in my camera:
Arden - Pansy
Nancy - ziz zag doll quilt
Jan - stack-n-whack applique flowers
Sue - Serendipity
Julie - My little Pony

If someone would clarify this entry in my journal, please:
"Judy's Garage Sale (photo)
what to do? Tea dye?
colorful quilting, bright white batting, embroider each plain block, quilt feather in each plain block with variegated thread"

9:00 a.m.

Fruit Platter
Cearal Bar
Scrambled Eggs
French Toast

Chef: Lisa
hostess: Brielle

4:00 p.m.

Chicken Parmesan
Golden Rice Pilaf
Steamed Broccoli
Garden Salad - Mixed Greens
Chocolate Pot de Creme
Wheat Bread


Feb 10
SNOW!! Field trips - Julie, Marje, JoAnn, and Dianne went to Quilted Hill. Others made trips to Boersmas, etc.

Cathy went to work today and yesterday.

Other photos currently not available on this site:
Nancy - 'Trip Around the World' panel 1.

Jan - Winning Arden's A Common Thread fabrics.

Gale - Won Asian-theme fabrics from Arden.

Pam - Teakettles

Marje distributed fabric for a class. My notes say 'stitchingroom.blogspot.com', but there is nothing there regarding any class we would have taken.

Arden wants to be reminded to bring her whipped cream maker, and also to bring a mattrerss pad.

Class photo after Dinner.

Biology 101
Lizzard 'hemmies'
Octopi -- one leg 'changes'

Arden - 'Wash Away Sins' Soap
Julie - 'Give me a Buzz' Bee lotion

9:00 a.m.

Mexican Casserole
Graham Cornbread
Fruit Platter
Cereal Bar
Cranberry Juice
5:00 p.m.

Pork Loin w/ apple-cranberry stuffing
Green Beans
Garden Salad - iceberg lettuce
Wheat Bread
Banana Pudding

(Cathy prefers the Mixed Greens)


Feb 11
Photo: Kay's 'Berry Blossom'

Nancy won Cathy's third prize: a Momism Book. Nancy read from it off and on during the morning.

Piano and Couches in the pool room
Entertainment Center into the corner, flat against the wall.

New Windham 'feedsack' line is on Kay's Web site.
Mountaintop Quilting

The next February QOTL will be Feb 7 - 10, 2010, and will be $180 each person.
10:00 a.m.

Veggie Quiche
Spiced Waffles w/strawberry cream
Fruit Cups
Bran Muffins
Cereal Bar
Orange Juice

Web site maintained by Dianne

Dianne and Barb