Return to February 2009 Miscellaneous

Miscellaneous for Dianne & Barb

February 8 - 11, 2009


Feb 8
Barb and Dianne left Barb's at exactly 2:00.

At 2:45 we were at Coyote Joe's for Big Dawg Mexican Mocha.

At 3:02 we were at Tilikum.


Feb 9
I finished the back of Jeremia's quilt, but chose not to do the layering even though I brought batting.

At JoAnn's, Arden picked up more light fabric for my fat ugly blocks.

I did 1/2 hour of massage. Dustin found the bad spots in my neck and back. Then I went and took a 1/2 + hour nap. Marje came and woke me when there was an empty chair at dinner.


Feb 10
Mystery Quilt - Per Nancy, use the dragonfly green for the binding.

Also per Nancy: do a yellow 3" border, then another row of 'keys'.

I put the Mystery away until I buy the additional yellow fabric.


Feb 11
Before we left Tilikum, Barb and I took a drive up over the hill so that Barb could see what was there.

Web site maintained by Dianne