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Delta Chicken with a Modified Espanole'

25 airline chicken pieces
8 oz diced onion
4 oz diced carrot
4 oz diced cleery
1 oz oil
White wine to deglaze
2 pt beef broth
1/4 t bay leaf
1/2 t thyme
1/2 t parsley

Lay chicken out on a sheet pan and bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes or until nice and browned on the outside, but still raw on the inside.

To make your sauce: heat up the oil in the skillet, add the "mirepoix" cook until vegetables are soft and some browning on the bottom of the skillet.

Deglaze your pan with some white wine, watch the flames.

Add vegetables to your stock, add spices, bring up to a boil, then down to a low simmer. Lay the baked chicen in hotel pans, and ladel some of the espanole sauce, saving some for garnishing at serving time.

Bake at 275 degrees for 1 1/2 hours.

Makes 20 servings.

I think someone said that the "airline chicken" came from Food Services NW.

For 40 servings: 45 chicken pieces, double everything else.
For 60 servings: 70 chicken pieces, triple everything else.