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Cream Wafers

These cookies were served hot-from-the-oven with our ice cream sundaes on Tuesday evening, Feb 22, 2005.

24 Servings

1 c flour
1/2 c butter
8 t whipping cream
1/4 c sugar

Mix flour,butter, and whipping cream, divide dough into one piece per 12 servings.
Wrap and refrigerate for at least one hour.
Roll out between 2 pieces of plastic wrap to an 1/8 inch thick.
Cut out 1 1/2" circles and dip in sugar.
Place onto parchment lined sheet pans and prick each cookie a few times with a fork.
Bake at 375 degrees for 7-9 minutes or until set but not quite brown.

36 Servings

1 1/2 c flour
3/4 c butter
1/4 c whipping cream
1/3 c sugar
48 Servings

2 c flour
1 c butter
1/3 c whipping cream
1/2 c sugar
60 Servings

3 c flour
1 1/2 c butter
1/2 c whipping cream
2/3 c sugar