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Apple Almond Salad

We were served Apple Almond Salad, but the recipe they gave us was Apple Hazelnut Salad. From this I assume any type of nut could be sugared and used.

2 Bowls - Serves 12-17

2 bowls of roamain
1/4 c cider vinegar
1/2 c apple juice concentrate
1/2 t dry mustard
1/2 t paprika
1/2 t celery salt
1/2 c sugared hazelnuts
3/4 c chopped apple

Thaw apple juice concentrate, add vinegar and seasonings and mix well. Prepare lettuce for salad. Refrigerate both until closer to serving time. About 30-45 minutes before serving time you can prepare apple and nuts. Use apple wedger then slice thinly and soak in fruit fresh. Toss apples in a little dressing and set aside until serving time. Just before serving time toss most of lettuce in large bowl with dressing, divide into smaller bowls and sprinkle nuts and apples on top.

Sugared Hazelnuts
(Check walk-in before making a fresh batch.) Put 1 cup sugar and 4 cups chopped hazelnuts in large fry pan over high heat, stirring constantly with red handled spatula until sugar is melted and turns a light caramel color. Dump onto parchment, breakup with forks, and cool.

The recipe sheet they gave us also has ingredient amounts for 18-23 servings, 24-32 servings, 30-41, 42-53, and 54-63 servings. If anyone wants those amounts, let me know.