Return to February 2016

Miscellaneous, Menus, and Highlights

February 7 - 10, 2016


Feb 7

We have first-timers this year.
Jodie, who is filling in for Judy
Susie, who is filling in for Nancy (Nancy's Sister)
Susan Avery, who has come to the summer QOTL

Regulars: Marje; Julie; Bobbie; Pam; Sarah; Irene; Dianne; Barb; Gale; Arlene; Lee!; Susan F.

Chuck showed three of us -- Dianne, Jodie, and Hostess Julie -- the owl who lives in the silo.

It is a Sunny Day!

Nancy missed this year because she has a new job, which will fit her much better.

Judy's sister-in-law died, so she is in California with her twin brother.

Olivia was invited, but was unable to come because she has some sort of a brain tumor/problem.

Dianne finished her Threadheads Fat Uglies. She couldn't find her 'official' ugly fabric, so she chose two fabrics from her stash.

Lee is working on the same Storm at Sea she was working on when she was with us last time!

Marje helped Lee with her machine.

Barb finished two blocks

Julie gave a demo on broken-hour-glass block.

Marje is making a new strip quilt.

Bobbie is making a graduation quilt for Dillon -- U of O

Pam is working on her Farm Girl Vintage book. All of the blocks are done, she just needs to re-do one block.

6:00 p.m.

Macaroni with Meatballs
and Marinara Sauce
Dinner Salad
Steamed Veggies
French Bread

Host: Julie
Chef: Angie


Feb 8

Barb didn't feel well, so she skipped breakfast.

Marje helped Lee with her machine.

Susan Avery is working on a third-annual Bonnie Hunter on-line mystery, "Allietare". It has Tuscan colors.

Susie is working on a Nancy Mahoney pattern, "Rolling Along". She is finished except for the yellow borders and piano key border.

Sunny Day!

Julie cut a pile of 6" squares for her hour-glass blocks from Dianne's stash of reds from the Malia/Baby quilt.

Lee told us about an organization, RaceMD, that is making progress on Muscular Dystrophy. The pill Gurig takes really is a "magic pill".

Jodie removed part of her finger with a rotary cutter, so Lee took her to the ER in Newberg.

Julie F left after dinner. She has a conference in Seattle tomorrow.

9:00 a.m.

Mexican Casserole


Ginger Chicken Skewers
Pork Fried Rice
Kale Salad
Apple Pastry

Chef: Chuck
Hostess: Vicki

Feb 9

Gale suggests that Super Glue will remove warts. What is the healing ingredient?

Marje, Sarah, and Lee went for a walk.

Barb had room service breakfast so that she could sleep in.

Susan Avery arranged Massages for today.

Sarah: What is the last thing you hear before a pubic hair hits the floor? Pshsst

Cole Slaw Dressing from dinner:
1 C Mayo
1/2 C sugar
2 C vinegar (regular white vinegar)
1/2 t pepper

Carrie brought her daughter and grandson for a visit.

Irene and Susy left after dinner.

9:00 a.m.

Eggs Benedict with ham
Fruit Plate
10-grain cereal
Cranberry Juice

Chef: Debbie

5:00 p.m.

Marinated Flank Steak
Herbed Roasted Potatoes
Cole Slaw
Baby Bok Choy
Bread Basket
Almond Cream Bake
garnished with fresh raspberries

Hostess: New Julie


Feb 10
Our hostess, New Julie, (different from the Julie who was here when we arrived on Sunday) told us this a.m. that Wednesday was her sixth day working here.

Dianne completed: Malia/Baby top; fat ugly 1/2 square trianges; two Pleasantvile Fancy Chain blocks.

Next Year: Feb 12-15, 2017, $212.00 total

10:00 a.m.

French Toast with
Whipped Cream
Pork Sausage
Scrambled Eggs
10-grain cereal
Apple Juice

Host: Chuck

Return to February 2016

Web site maintained by Dianne