Return to February 2013

Miscellaneous, Menus, and Highlights

February 10 - 13, 2013


Feb 10

Our tables were arranged with a path through the center, rather than around the far edge. This is working very well.

Once again, Julie brought Free-Table items from her store. This time the items included cup/bag holders.

9:00 p.m. -- we are working on:
  • Dianne - Charity Baby Girl quilt
  • Barb - Christmas Moda
  • Judy - Crazy-pieced Pink Baby Quilt (neighbor's baby)
  • Pam - Civil War Postage Stamp (for Pam)
  • Bobbie - Log Cabin blocks for Rachel's Baskets (for herself)
  • Julie - Applique Album quilt - (for herself)
  • Susan F - Baby Quilt for friend's step-daughter's baby (single mom)
  • Marje - just finished first new red & white block - new technique
  • Sarah - birds like Marje's (herself)
  • Irene - Prickly Pineapple - wanted to make something new - recipient undecided
  • Nancy - Tote bag - doing applique
  • Arden - flannel 5 & Dime fat quarter quilt - no recipient - wanted to make something with this focus fabric
  • Colleen - Squares with lattice (for herself)
  • Gail - Sister-in-law quilt (Val) Snowy Slope (flowers)
  • Arlene - Snowy Slope (dogs) for brother Jim who has cancer
  • Dinner
    6:00 p.m.

    Malaysian Buffet:
    Ground Beef
    Shredded Chicken
    Various Veggies
    Various Fruits
    Various Sauces

    Host: Julie
    Chef: Debbie Dingman

    Feb 11
    The first field trip was to Boersma's. Arden, Colleen, and Bobbie went.

    Brad came this evening and did scissor sharpening and machine tune-ups, then stayed for dinner.

    Colleen had never had trout before. She liked it. Bobbie was hesitant, and had a bite of Dianne's trout, liked it, and had a whole piece of her own.

    "Crave" in Lake Oswego -- gluten free -- has won cook-offs. Bakery "Cupcake Wars". Be sure to try their Cinnamon Rolls!

    Judy was relieved of her "check your bobbins" duties. Bobbie took over, but she hasn't learned yet to speak loudly enough to get our attention.

    Barb finished her piano key project.

    9:00 a.m.

    Pancakes with strawberries and blueberries
    Turkey link sausage
    Scrambled eggs
    Fresh fruit platter
    Cereal Bar with Scottish Oats
    Orange Juice

    Host: Chuck
    Chef: Sarah

    5:00 p.m.

    Trout Almondine
    Roasted Vegetables
    Tomato Pasta Shells
    Cereal Bread
    Garden Salad
    Gingerbread Cake with whipped cream and strawberry garnish

    Chef: Debby
    Hostess: Suzanne

    Feb 12
    Pipes in the Laundry Room broke, so plumbers were here all day.

    11:40 topics: pressure washing, things dogs eat (ie, thread, cheap food, llama poop)

    Noon: Quilted Hill field trip. They are now open Wednesday - Saturday.

    12:30: walks; topics of conversation: bubble wrap floor covering, stopping bleeding with vaseline.

    2:45: Marje reminded everyone of the $3 equipment fee.

    Challenge: make Birthday Block for next year. Use Blue and White colors, and bring to QOTL in February 2014.       (from Quilting Pattern-a-day calendar)

    Dianne finished her Baby Girl Charity top, and started on her Maui quilt.

    5:00 Dinner gift: journal for everyone

    5:30 topics at dinner: Cremation and Burial customs and practices; people and pets.

    Julie was mean to Marje. Marje cried. Marje is "the person" in her neighborhood.

    Topic: Snoring (a topic at every retreat)

    Brad Smith: 503-474-8672

    Dinner: Nancy scored an extra apple dumpling! (Chuck asked whether anyone wanted one -- Nancy didn't hesitate.)

    Show and Tell: Irene and Nancy shared their 60-year-old quilt.

    Photo taken: Judy "Hanky Panky"

    Dianne helped Gale quilt Nicki's quilt.

    9:00 a.m.

    Mexican Casserole
    Honey Graham Corn Bread
    Fresh Fruit Platter
    10 grain/cereal bar
    Link Sausage
    Orange Juice

    Chef: Debbie
    Hostess: Carrie

    5:00 p.m.

    Lemon Basil Chicken
    Roasted Red Potatoes
    Mixed Vegetables
    Carrot Raisin Salad
    Caesar Salad
    Cranberry Lemonade
    Baked Apple Dumplings

    Chef: Autumn


    Feb 13
    Sarah left really early (6:30?)

    Julie left after Breakfast.

    Topic: Pros and Cons of orange vs yellow ear plugs

    2014: second weekend (Feb 9 - 12, 2014), $30 deposit to reserve, same price as this year.

    11:00: Out of rooms
    1:00: Out of Tilikum

    10:00 a.m.

    Individual quiche - pesto and broccoli
    Cranberry orange scones
    Fruit platter
    Orange Juice

    Host: Carrie
    Chef: Angie

    Return to February 2013

    Web site maintained by Dianne