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Miscellaneous, Menus, and Highlights

August 18 - 21, 2013


Aug 18

Our tables were again arranged with a path through the center, rather than around the far edge. This is working very well.

Arden, in the midst of running around getting everything set up at Tilikum, realized that she had forgotten the steamer iron! She went home to get it, and returned just as we began eating dinner.

She also brought a few items from her home that others had forgotten to bring from their homes.

Nearly everyone was working on their new jelly roll quilts.

Arden has also provided us with a beautiful bouquet from her garden.
6:00 p.m.

White Fish w/ Mango Salsa
Roasted Red Garlic Potatoes
Butternut Squash
Cereal Bread
Kahlua Cream Pie
Pasta Salad

Hostess: Vicky
Chef: Angie


Aug 19
We were still working on our Jelly Roll quilts today.

Today was a Boersma's field trip. Arden picked up 1/2 yard pieces of fabric for those of us who didn't bring enough for the Mrs Wrights game.

Challenge: Pincushions
Dianne needed walnut shells to stuff her pincushion, so Cathy Green sent hers, via Arden. Arden, Barb, and Dianne all used Cathy's shells in their hand-made pincushions.

The pincushions were collected at 4:00 p.m., and were on display during dinner. We voted on them using the rules and categories set up by Pat and Debby.
Most Like Grandmas pincushion
How did she do that?
Best Upcycle
(Forgot what fourth category was)
Arden abdicated. The duties have been divided as follows:
Organizing - Pat and Debby
Money - Barb
Activities - Dotti and Karen
9:00 a.m.

Scrambled Eggs with diced ham
Diced Potatoes
Fresh fruit platter
Cereal bar w/ 10-grain cereal
Apple Juice

5:00 p.m.

Chicken Alfredo
Mixed Veggies
Garden Salad
Marionberry Cobbler w/ ice cream
French bread
Iced Tea

Chef: Angie

Gifts: Mary Engelbright Magnet, 'Noodle' Pin Cushion


Aug 20
New assignments: Judy volunteered to be the Rules person

2014 Challenge: Purse
The purse can be anything from a coin purse to a beach tote. Please have a hat to go with the purse. The hat will not be judged, but will be worn during the Purse Parade.

Show and Tell:
Pam: One Square at a Time. The seams were all pressed open.

Stephanie: (host) Granny Rose Double Wedding Ring. Granny Rose died at 91 years of age.

Chuck advised us that there has been another ice cream delivery. We are welcome to take what we want.

Class Photo.

Mrs Wright game.

After the game, we all drew numbers for the pincushions, then traded among ourselves until everyone had the one she wanted.

Dianne finished the top for her Aloha Quilt. She bought the kit at the Maui Quilt Shop on Maui.

A peacock escaped from the neighbor's farm, and has been entertaining us during our stay.

Barb has been working on an old project, a Blooming 9-patch. She, Colleen, and Susan have been working on it. Arden stepped in towards the end and added a much-needed helping hand. Colleen fixed one of the border blocks -- a solid and a 9-patch had been reversed.

Nancy and Jean left this evening after dinner.

9:00 a.m.

Mexican Casserole
Graham Corn Bread
Tropical Fruit Salad
Pepper Bacon
Cranberry Juice
10 grain/cereal bar

Chef: Debbie
Hostess: Stephanie (not Lisa's Steph)

5:00 p.m.

Pork Tenderloin with
Apple & Cranberry Topping
Green Bean Almondine
Garden Salad with
Greek feta or Walnut Raspberry
Cereal Bread
Caramel Cheesecake

Host: Suzanne
Chef: Stacy


Aug 21

2014: second weekend (August 17 - 20, 2014), Same price as this year ($183?)

10:00 a.m.

Orange Raisin Scones
Scrambled Eggs
Orange Juice
Fruit Platter
Turkey Sausage
Cereal Bar w/ 10 grain

Chef: Debbie
The delicious Scones are Debbie's personally-developed recipe

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Web site maintained by Dianne