Return to February 2010

Miscellaneous, Menus, and Highlights

February 7 - 10, 2010

Sunday Sue A took the first stitches.     PHOTO

Arden shared her "Bud's Bicycle Adventures" flag.

New People this year: Irene (Nancy's mom) and Camille (Sue's daughter).

Judy received a 'deal' on the retreat cost this year. She had to pay only $200. It was a running joke throughout the entire retreat. (Oops! Sorry, Judy, to refer to your deal as a joke!)

Our Hostess today was Carrie.

Lisa is the Program director.


Tangy Chicken
Orange Toss Salad
Roasted Veggies
Herb Cheese Bread
Apple Dumplings

Chef: Mary Ann

Tables looked very nice, dressed with pretty plates and bowls; the lazy-susan in the center was decorated with candles made in pretty stemware. These are some of the innovations Lisa has innovated.

Monday Irene finished her "Rising Stars" quilt top.

Judy, who receives absolutely no respect from the group, lead a game for us; she put objects in brown bags and we passed them around, guessing what was in each bag. Cathy supplied "Cathy Cupcakes" as prizes.

Barb has been ill with a newly-diagnosed stomach ulcer. Arden and Nancy went shopping and purchased a 3-way hot water bottle for her. Barb doesn't think she will use the other two-ways...

This evening Chris, the Tilikum on-site director, brought his 10-year-old daughter Olivia down with him when he came to lock up. She is a beginning quilter. When we left on Wednesday we gave Chris a gift of fabrics to give to Olivia.

Mexican Casserole
Graham Corn Bread
Fruit Salad
Cereal bar
Orange Juice

Chef: Debbie


Spagetti with Meat Balls
Peas and Carrots
Caesar Salad
French Bread
Chocolate Cake

Chef: Mary Ann

The Salad was served with both a Caesar Dressing and an "Avocado Ranch Dressing". (One of us brought some avocados, and Chef made salad dressing with them.)

Tuesday Marje wants us to remind her regarding Liquid Thread magazine article/ad.

Arden is working -- unhappily -- on her Victory quilts.

Julie has "Rasta-llamas".

It was demonstrated that, now that there is an end in sight to Gale's quilt, pigs really do fly.

Barb's machine has "Tension Defficite Disorder".

We did a Skype conversation with Kay this afternoon.

Irene's "Star of the Orient" quilt, which she finished today, is from Kay's pattern.

Dianne won a Fons & Porter Flying Geese ruler in a guess-the-number-between game.

After dinner this evening, Barbara abdicated her position as organizer of Quilters on the Lamb. Marje and Julie immediately stepped up to take over where Barb left off. They indicated that Sue A will be helping them

Marje and Julie's first official act was to collect a $10 deposit from each person for next year's QOTL. Marje is planning to live high on the hog on the interest from the $130 she collected...

New Organizational Titles include:
Barb: "Corporate Memory" Barb is thrilled that her name and the word 'memory' are linked in the same sentence!
Camille: Marketing
Dianne: Historian and name-tag-maker. She tried to get out of tag-making by spelling Marje's name incorrectly, but Marje says Dianne will just have to keep trying until she gets it right.
Judy: will continue to get a 'deal' on her retreat cost.


Scrambled Eggs
Sausage Patties
Turkey Sausage Links
Spiced Applesauce
Cereal Bar with Oatmeal
Grape Juice

Chef: Debbie


Roasted Turkey
Mashed Potatoes with gravy
Garden Salad
Buttermilk Honey Bread
Peanut Butter Pie

Chef: Mary Ann

Wednesday Camille and Julie had to leave before breakfast this morning. Sue A left soon after breakfast. Everyone was gone, except Judy and Pam, by 1:00 this afternoon.

Next year's QOTL: Feb 13 - 16, 2011


Scrambled Eggs
Pork Patties and Turkey links
Homestyle hashbrowns
Bran Muffins with little jam packets
Fruit Plate
Cereal Bar with Oatmeal

Chef: Debbie

Web site maintained by Dianne

Dianne and Barb