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Miscellaneous and Highlights

July 20 - 23, 2008

Sunday Marilyn was the first person to be working on a project at this retreat. She was sitting in a chair by the window knitting a sweater.       Photo

Stephanie was our hostess, and Chef Ryan fixed our dinner.

Barbara had to drive from K-Falls, so she didn't arrive until 5:45, which gave her time to unload her car before our 6:00 dinner.

We figured out where we wanted our tables without any direction from a person of authority and on a first-come, first-served basis.       Table Layout Chart

9:30 p.m. - - Barb made the statement "I came here to sew."
10:30 p.m. - - Barb took her first stitches.

Tonight while getting ready for bed, Bambi locked herself in the bathroom. Caroline had already taken a Tylenol PM and put in her ear plugs. She ~~finally~~ heard Bambi's pleas for help.

Monday This morning's hostess was a new Michelle. Chef Roberta fixed our breakfast.

At 1:00 this afternoon Caroline did a class in placemat purses. They turned out so cute!

Today the new Bernina 8 Series was introduced. We had trouble getting onto the Bernina site to watch - - do you suppose there were more people than just us trying to watch?       Barb and Caroline watching release

Remember this statement: "Barbara is not buying a new $15,000 Bernina."

There were field trips to Boersmas and JoAnn's today.

Web sites to try:
   Steep and Cheap     (Premium outdoor gear and clothing)     (search engine)

Bedford was our host this evening, and said grace for us before dinner.

Bedford's grandaughter is due this coming November. Her name is Cora Elaine Nelson

Dinner chef was Lisa, and she fixed us an exquisit Baked Parmesan Cod.

On our plates this evening was a post card inviting us to Caroline's gallery showing.

Pat went home after dinner. She had to take Chet (Chester) some hazelnuts for his birds and squirrels, and tomorrow will take him to get his new hearing aids.

Throughout the retreat Barb, Shirley, Jean, and Dianne worked on the Milwaukie Center 2009 Raffle Quilt. Virginia also helped.

Tuesday Pat returned at about 10:30 this morning.

There was a field trip to Quilted Hill this morning. We had an 11:00 appointment.

Pam and Arden made a special trip into Newburg for some special Victory fabric.

Debby's husband flew his little airplane around and over Tilikum today. We were out on the deck waving to him.

We played Judy's BBQ Party game for the new people. Once again, the party has been scheduled for Aug 32.

At 3:00 this afternoon we did our "Class Photo".     Photo of taking a photo.

After the photos we played "Mrs Wright". Judy wrote a new story, "Mrs. Wright Goes to Tilikum", and she incorporated individual people into the story. It was really clever and fun.

Dianne's steamer iron died!

This evening's dinner was Beef Stroganoff prepared by Chef Chris.

Bedford was our host this evening.

At 7:00 p.m. we had our door prize drawing. Prizes were provided by Arden and Virginia.
    1) Jean     fabrics     Photo of Jean and her bag of fabric.
    2) Bambi     Ruth McDowell book
    3) Dianne     fabrics
    4) Pam     fabrics.

Barb had a new game for us to play, but she couldn't figure out how to make it end with a prize so we didn't play it.

Wednesday Our brunch chef was Roberta, and our hostess was the new Michelle.

As we were leaving at 2:00, the old Michelle came down to say hi. She is working part time to finish up some projects, then will be gone.

July, 2009 The July 2009 Quilters on the Lamb retreat will be July 19 - 22. Cost is $176.00.

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