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Cookies for the County Fair

Mr. and Mrs. WRIGHT woke up early on the day before the fair. Mrs Wright planned to bake some cookies for her entry in the baked goods contest. She told Mr WRIGHT, "I want to have just the RIGHT cookie for the judges to sample."

She looked in the pantry and discovered that she had no sugar LEFT. "Mr. WRIGHT," Mrs. WRIGHT cried, "I have no sugar LEFT in my pantry. I need some to bake just the RIGHT cookies for the judges. Will you go to the store and get some for me?"

Mr WRIGHT said, "You're RIGHT. I'll go RIGHT now." And he LEFT immediately.

Mrs WRIGHT began to prepare her cookie dough. When she reached for the sack of flour, she saw there was only a little flour LEFT ... not nearly enough to make her cookies. "Oh dear," said Mrs WRIGHT. "Mr WRIGHT just LEFT for the store. He will not like to have to go back again." Mrs. WRIGHT quickly LEFT her baking and called the grocer. "This is Mrs. WRIGHT. My husband, Mr WRIGHT, just LEFT to get some sugar at your store. I just discovered I don't have enough flour LEFT for my cookies. Will you tell him to buy some flour too?"

"Oh Mrs WRIGHT," the grocer said, "Mr WRIGHT just LEFT with your sugar. In fact he bought the only sack we had LEFT on the shelf. I'll try to catch him RIGHT quick so he can bring your flour too. We have plenty of that LEFT."

Just then Mr. WRIGHT drove up with the sack of sugar. "Here Mrs. WRIGHT. This is the only sack they had LEFT."

"Oh Mr WRIGHT," said Mrs WRIGHT. "I don't have enough flour LEFT to bake the cookies. I tried to catch you at the grocer's but you had already LEFT."

"Oh no," said Mr WRIGHT. "I'll go RIGHT back." And, he LEFT immediately.

Mrs WRIGHT turned RIGHT around and went back into her kitchen. Suddenly she realized she had not bought any butter for the cookies either. "Oh my," she exclaimed, "How can I bake the RIGHT cookies for the judges without butter!"

She called the grocer again and asked him to tell Mr WRIGHT to bring butter too.

Fortunately, Mr WRIGHT had not LEFT the store yet. When he returned home, Mrs WRIGHT said, "Bring in the flour and butter RIGHT now so I can bake these cookies for the judges."

Mr WRIGHT began carrying lots of bags into the kitchen. "All RIGHT, what's all this?" said Mrs WRIGHT.

"Well," said Mr WRIGHT, "I didn't want to have to go back to the store again so besides your flour and butter I bought all the cookies the grocer had LEFT. That way the judges are sure to have the RIGHT cookie."